
New glasses! Lieven too! #newglasses #sunnysunday #sunnysundayafternoon #theoeyewear #oostende #oostendebeach #ostend #oostendestadaanzee

After my descent from ‘The Magic Mountain’ (Thomas Mann) in February, which symbolically sits atop my pile, I’ve read such a rich range of books, all brilliant, all very different. And in no particular order, here they all are, ready to find a place on the bookshelves. Current read: ‘Suttree’ by Cormac McCarthy. #themagicmountain #thomasmann #driveyourploughoverthebonesofthedead #olgatokarczuk #handiwork #sarabaume #spacecrone #ursulaleguinn #theowmetothewolves #patrickmcguinness #superinfinite #katherinerundell #artful #alismith #allfours #mirandajuly #booklover #areaderslife #keepreading #realbooks #oostende

If you know me, you know me… there’s nothing, and I mean nothing, I love more than cantucci and vin santo. And having opened a bottle of the latter, but having shared all the biscuits, I became desperate – because there are no cantucci in Oostende, not for love nor money. We tried everywhere. So, needs must: I made my own! Easier than I thought, double-baked, and so, so good!!! #cantucci #cantucciandvinsanto #vinsanto #baking #homemade #homebaking #italianbaking #biscotti #cantuccinitoscani #homebakingisthebest #treat #oostende #ostend

Pizza knit 🍕🧶❤️ #pizza #knitting #afterwork #drinks #courtyard #courtyardgarden #breiclub #knittingclub #oostende

Following the arrow in Islington ⬅️ and feeling re-enfranchised #generalelection #generalelection2024 #overseasvoter

Celebrating Bloomsday in Oostende 2024! #bloomsday #bloomsdayinoostende #bloomsdayinostend #leopoldbloom #jamesjoyce #ulysses #oostende #ostend

Happy Father’s Day to this great guy! @lievenvandenabeele #fathersday #lievenvandenabeele #oostende #ostend

Flashback to last weekend, and the `Portiers van de Oceaan` (myself included) were getting Philippe Braem`s new gallery ready for Bloomsday in Oostende on 16 June and Philippe Tonnard`s exhibtion. Many hands make light work! Bloomsday in Oostende 2024 is now fully booked. Amazing! Photo: Jef Van Eynde (who also helped strip the walls!) Thanks @vaneyndejef #bloomsday #bloomsdayinoostende #bloomsdayinostend #bloomsdayinoostende2024

It’s our 20th wedding anniversary! We married in the Stadhuis, Oostende, on 21 May 2004. Newly arrived from London, I didn’t speak Dutch, and we were living in an old house that needed complete renovation. And here we still are, all these years later. And we finished the house! Cheers 🥂#lievenvandenabeele #20thweddinganniversary #20thweddinganniversary❤️ #twentiethweddinganniversary #oostende #ostend

Always good to see mum! #motheranddaughter #mum #mother #daughter #home #westonsupermare #somerset

Happy birthday to this wonderful guy! #lievenvandenabeele #happybirthday #birthday #celebrations #loveyou